How to support

The City of Tartu supports our shelter by providing for our workers’ wages and basic general expenses (heating, garbage collection, electricity, etc.).

In addition to the city’s support, we receive payment for the public services we provide to Tartu and other local governments. We offer public services to catch stray animals, house them for 14 days, and also remove animal remains from Tartu’s public areas.

But our shelter does a lot more than that…

Most ownerless animals stay in the shelter for more than 14 days, and they all need food, medication, and cleaning supplies for the entire length of their stay. Also, there are expensive emergency aid cases that are over and above our budget, where animals need urgent medical care due to severe trauma. In addition, our animals’ housing needs periodic renovation, and our storage facilities need improvement.

Herein lie the altruistic efforts for which caring people contribute, so that all this can become possible. We add, on our part, countless hours of work and love.

“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
Francis of Assisi


ma armastan aidata

